(L to R, T to B) Michelle Brooks, Amanda Oimas, Autumn Chipp, Dorthy Beemon, Kamiel McMurray-Smith, Yvonne Smith, Ashley Turner, Raynai Lovett, Tabitha Smith, Portia McIntosh, Melanie Freeman, Fatima Sylvertooth, Blossom Hill
The Xi Chronicles chapter would like to thank everyone who supported the ministry this past year and we look forward to even greater things next year. Have a great summer but dont forget to keep God first.
Congratualtions to the new officers for 2008/2009 school year
President: Autumn Chipp
Vice President: Fatima Sylvertooth
Secretaty: Yvonne Smith
Financier: Tabitha Smith
Chaplain: Michelle Brooks
Historian: Portia McIntosh
Outreach Chair: Kamiel McMurray Smith
Social Chair: Yvonne Smith
Discipleship Chair, Ministry Chair, SGA: Raynai Lovett
Orientation Director: Blossom Hill